on Tue, 2 Dec 2003 23:33:47 +0000 Richard Davey wrote:

RD> Just so we're clear on this - you're creating a string (an email
RD> address) of a million characters? I don't know my mail RFC's that well, but
RD> I'm sure this is well beyond what it considers "standard".

We're not clear.. ;)
the function I've posted is designed for templates, that handle the
output my script generates.. it's useful to have non-email text
portions in between or a short random string for the mailto-links

RD> Does the string HAVE to make sense?

I found it better to follow some rules..
At first that were spaces in between and it got bigger.. if I'd write
a spambot I would check if the page I'm lurking on is a oneliner or
does only contain non-email words with > 20 characters, and so on..

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