Hi David,

I counted the number of rows using mysql_numrows(), but I've been told that
count() is way faster.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to get count working..  Any

echo mysql_numrows(mysql_query("select * FROM phPetition",$db)); 

// This should be faster, but doesn't seem to work
// echo count(mysql_query("select * FROM phPetition",$db)); 

David Robley wrote:
> $same_Email_query is a pointer to a result set from the query and will
> always be true if the query succeeded - where succeeded means something
> like 'returned 0 or more matching rows'
> What you need to do is check how many matching rows are returned by your
> query; if there are zero rows, the value doesn't exist in the database.

Great advice.  This worked, therefore eliminating duplicates:

$same_Email_query = mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT Email FROM phPetition
WHERE Email='" . $Email  . "'"));
  $error = 1;
  $error_html .= "This email \"" . $Email . "\" has already been used to sign
the petition.<br><br>\n";

> Shouldn't $individuals_array[ be $sameIP_array[ ? Consider using extract;
> if nothing else it makes code easier to read :-)

This was a neat little solution with the extract code.  I found that it started
to mess up my existing scripts so I threw it in a function to keep the variables
from getting mixed up.

function recent_signatures () {
$individuals_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM phPetition ORDER BY ID DESC
LIMIT 0,5");
while ($individuals_array = mysql_fetch_array($individuals_query)) {
echo "<LI>" . stripslashes($individuals_array["FirstName"]) . " " .
stripslashes($individuals_array["LastName"]) . " from " .

$sameIP_query = mysql_query("SELECT FirstName,LastName,CityState,IPAddress FROM
phPetition WHERE IPAddress='" . getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')  . "' ORDER BY LastName");
  if (mysql_numrows($sameIP_query) != 0) {
  echo "<p>The following individuals have signed this petition from the same IP:
" . getenv('REMOTE_ADDR') . "<br>";
    while ($sameIP_array = mysql_fetch_array($sameIP_query)) {
    extract ($sameIP_array);
    echo "<LI>" . stripslashes($FirstName) . " " . stripslashes($LastName) . "
from " . stripslashes($CityState);
// echo "<LI>" . stripslashes($sameIP_array["FirstName"]) . " " .
stripslashes($sameIP_array["LastName"]) . " from " .
recent_signatures ();

Thanks Again.

Mike Gifford, OpenConcept Consulting, http://openconcept.ca
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