> I'd better apologize at the outset as I'm not sure this is strictly a PHP
> problem - though I'm using PHP as the means of building the application.
> Anyway, here goes:
> I'm creating a website that will function as a directory of services within a
> specific area of the UK charity sector.  A variety of groups will input the
> content via a custom built CMS and this content will then be available to the
> general public.  One of the requirements is that a keyword search facility is
> built into the application allowing end users to search for services based on
> a variety of words they might associate with them.
> What I propose to do is have a separate table of keywords/phrases that have
> been previously entered by contributors.  There will then be a separate table
> linking the id field of the associated keywords with the id field of the
> service in question.  Herein lies the problem.
> The contributors will be presented with a multi-part form.  When it comes to
> the stage at which they will need to enter the relevant keywords for a service
> there seem to me to two ways of dealing with this:
> 1.    Allow the contributors to enter whatever keywords and phrases they wish.
> 2.    Only allow contributors to have access to a restricted set of
> keywords/phrases.
> The first of these options would run the risk of creating an unmanageably
> large and devalued set of keywords/phrases. The second option would seem to
> result in a set of keywords that are too generalized to be of much benefit to
> the ultimate end users.
> Are there any accepted approaches to tackling such a problem which anyone
> could point me towards?  I'm sure it must have been encountered before though
> I've been unable to find much on this after extensive googling and searching
> through mailing list archives.

I like the Luke Welling, Laura Thomson approach for keyword searching
described in "PHP and MySQL Web Development" -- <http://www.lukelaura.com>.
The system described is your option (1) above, and allows the keywords to be
weighted by the contributors.


Lowell Allen

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