At 16:08 9-12-03, you wrote:
Hi All,

I need to know how to write a script for deleting mail from a Linux server.
It's more important to know what sort of mail it is. I suppose POP3 mail, so then look for the POP class of Manuel Lemos, i think on

Essentially I need to be able to delete all mail with a date-stamp less than
some threshold date.
That should be do-able with that class.

Then I want this script to run from a regular cron job. I am not sure if
this is doable in PHP or whether I must write a shell script, but either way
I need some pointers on how to go about it.
There are quite some tutorials on cron jobs with PHP. To run PHP as a cron job you need the cgi version, as far as I know. Ask your favourite search engine.

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