Daniel Pupius wrote:
It would be a good idea to create a database abstaction class.  This means
that should you move your application to a different database you only have
to replace your database class, instead of recoding everything with the new
set of functions.  It can also be neater than using the mysql functions

You could use it as in a composite or an aggregated relationship.  Check out
http://www.phppatterns.com/index.php/article/articleview/15/1/1/ for some
useful information.

Also is it necessary to have $ponum sent to each function, how about
creating an attrbute of the class and setting it in the constructor

"Mike Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

I've been doing procedural coding for a few month's, but perceive the
need for OOP for some of the projects I've done. I'm starting out and
and would like some feedback, before I tread down the wrong path. The
books I'm looking at Professional PHP (Wrox), and Visual QuickStart PHP
have examples, but I seem to need something more concrete so I've
started a skeleton to rewrite a Purchase Order application. Here is the

<?php //pocode.php
class PurchaseOrder
var $ponum; //This will be a $_SESSION variable if that matters
var $item;

function AddItem($ponum,$item){

function DeleteItem($ponum,$item){

function UpdateItem($ponum,$item){

function ListItems($ponum){
while($row=mssql_fetch_array($rst)){echo $row[0]....})


I would then include that in my page,
and add items to a PO by doing something like
$po = new PO();

//A HTML Button next to a text box to add a line item



Do I have the basic concept right? This is like relearning to code.
Perhaps I learned in a bad way if that's the case. Any especially good
tutorials or books to recommend?

Thank you for the response. Based on your and Martin's responses I have something like this:

class PurchaseOrder
var $ponum;
var $item;
var $qty;

function PurchaseOrder(){
$this->ponum = $_SESSION['ponum'];
$this->item = $_POST['item'];
$this->qty = $_POST['qty'];
$this->price = $_POST['price'];

function AddItem(){
$sql = "INSERT INTO podtl (item, qty, price) VALUES ('$this->item',$this->qty,$this->price)";

function DeleteItem($itemid){
$sql = "DELETE FROM podtl WHERE id=$itemid";

function UpdateItem($itemid){
$sql = "UPDATE podtl SET price=$this->price, item='$this->item' WHERE id=$itemid";

function ListItems(){
$sql = "SELECT id, item, qty, price FROM podtl WHERE ponum='$this->ponum'";



As far a databsae independance. ADODB looks pretty thorough (http://php.weblogs.com/ADODB). It seems several people tend to go the PEAR route. Is that more of a preference or are there pseudo-religious feelings on database abstraction?

Thanks for the response.

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