Thanks for the info, Tom. That explains it. I can't really run the query
again because of time and the size of the database. There is currently over
200,000,000 records in some of the tables. The subsets I get are generally
small. What my current thinking is, is to grab the info I need into a
temporary table and just run my search against the temporary table (taking
all records) and seeking to the correct position for display. I was trying
to avoid this if the information about my previous query was available


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Michael Lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] saving resource objects

> Hi,
> Wednesday, December 17, 2003, 12:15:24 PM, you wrote:
> ML> I posted this on the PHP-DB list and then realized it was a more
> ML> question about PHP than DB so I am posting it here also hoping someone
> ML> help.
> ML> I have a fairly common problem that I have not been able to find the
> ML> solution for in the documentation and FAQs. I have to access a MSSQL
> ML> from a LAMP box using PHP. That part works fine (thank you I
> ML> need to display results from user queries 10 at a time with the basic
> ML> and BACK logic. I can use the mssql_data_seek function to move amongst
> ML> record set. The problem is how do I save the results variable between
> ML> page updates? I cannot save the record set variable in my session
because it
> ML> always returns as zero. Consider the following code:
> ML> <?php
> ML> session_start();
> ML> include("localsettings.php");
> ML> $s = mssql_connect($Server, $User, $Pass) or die("Couldn't connect to
> ML> Server on $Server");
> ML> mssql_select_db($SDB, $s) or die("Couldn't open database $SDB");
> ML> $sql="select * from products where prod_id='95038'";
> ML> $ress=mssql_query($sql) or die(mssql_get_last_message());
> ML> $_SESSION['ress']=$ress;
> ML> print $ress."\n";
> ML> $ress=$_SESSION['ress'];
> ML> print $ress."\n";
> ?>>
> ML> The first time I print RESS is comes back as RESOURCE OBJECT #12, the
> ML> time as 0. When I look in the session file, it is zero.
> ML> Help!
> ML> How can I pass this variable and its contents so they are usable to
the next
> ML> web page?
> ML> Thanks in advance.
> ML> Michael
> The connection to the database will close at the end of the request so
> resource will no longer be valid. You will have to rerun the query again.
> If there is some way to identify each row then change the query to always
get an
> id that is higher than the last one you read (that is the one you save in
> session) a bit like this
> $last_id =0;
> if(isset($_SESSION['last_id'])) $last_id = $_SESSION['last_id'];
> $sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id > '$last_id' order by id";
> //do query
> $x =0
> while(get_reults && $x < 10){
>         //do whatever
>         $x++;
> }
> $_SESSION['last_id'] = id;
> --
> regards,
> Tom

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