Paul Godard wrote:


I have develop an online catalog in php/mysql. Now the client needs the web site on a cd. Of course without php or mysql...

What is the fastes and easiest way to convert the only 2-3 dynamic php pages into static html files?

Of course I could copy the html code generated by the php pages for each product and save it as different product1.html product2.html ... but that will take ages ... 2000 products in 2 languages.

Is there a way to redirect the output of php pages to a file instead of to the screen? So I could create a simple php script that loop for each product & languages to generate all the pages.

Well, you could always use web site mirroring software to pull it all. Such as "wget -m". It would pull the dynamically generated HTML and store it all in files and change the links accordingly. Or you could use something else such as WinHTTrack.

paperCrane <Justin Patrin>

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