On Sun, Dec 21, 2003 at 03:57:24PM -0300, Fernando M. Maresca wrote:
: Well, i'm trying to avoid access to the site for the middle. Say there
: is a initial page with a form and other pages that depends on this. Is
: there a way to force users access the site thru the initial form page,
: regardless of the url?
: Something like this:
: lynx http://mysite/forma2.php/
: produce the browser to redirect to 
: http://mysite/index.php/
: Of course, the forma2.php must be served if its accesed after index.php.

There are several ways to do this.  The most obvious is with cookies.
Set up your index.php to initially create a cookie that authorizes a
user to look in the site.  On the rest of your PHP pages, check that
this authorization cookie exists.  If not, redirect to index.php.

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