You might be able to use substr.

K E I T H  V A N C E
Software Engineer
n-Link Corporation

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Wen Ni Leong wrote:

> I need help in this basic string function.
> I query from the database by using while loop and the result in in
> array.  I separated them by using "," .
> I want at the end of the string to be trim off.  Unfortunately I tried
> all the string function such as chop,trim and substr but they seem like
> can't manage to trim the end of the string.  Please help me.
> my coding are:
> $db = mysql_select_db("tkenet_db");
> $query = "SELECT app_name,status FROM approval_list where doc_no='6'";
> $result = mysql_query($query,$db);
> while($data = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
>      $cc .= $h->get_email($data[0]).",";
>    if ($data[1] != 'Y')
>      { $all_yes = 1;}
>   }
>  trim($cc);

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