I've got a problem with sessions and Apache virtual sites. My specs: PHP
4.3.2 on Apache 1.3.27, operating on a Red Hat 8 server with kernel
2.4.20 with SMP.

I've developed a simple event calendar that uses sessions in two
different instances. The first is when paging through search results; I
store the SQL statement in a session variable so as to eliminate the
need to build it again. The second is to pre-populate form fields when
somebody elects to submit more than one event to the calendar in a
single session.

I'm using three instances of the script, one each on three Apache
virtual sites. On one site, everything performs as expected. On the
other two, the sessions do not work at all. Sessions are initialized
using 'session_start()', and the default session properties indicate a
cookie should be used, but do not specify the domain and utilize the
root path. These are three of several sites hosted on the server, and
none are the default site (i.e., in the main server webroot).

I have tried specifying the cookie domain and path explicitly, as well
as turning on trans-sid (via .htaccess) -- neither has worked.

Any ideas?


Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Webmaster and IT Specialist
National Gardening Association
802-863-5251 x156

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