On Mon, 2004-01-05 at 12:59, Pat Hanna wrote:
> I cannot seem to find the problem in my code. I have two pages. Both
> need to select a product from a database. The first page works fine, the
> product is found and I use the data in the page. The second one does not
> fetch the product. The code is exactly the same:
> $query="SELECT * FROM products WHERE stock_number = '$item_number'";
> $result=mysql_query($query);
> $row=mysql_fetch_array($result);
> When I do 'echo $result;' on the first page, I get the result number.
> But if I do it on the second page I get nothing. Both pages are
> connected to the database and I get no errors in code. I have included
> the full code of each page in the attachment. Item_details.php3 is the
> working page and addtocart.php3 is the one that won't seem to connect.

I think the attachments got removed. Sorting through the source of two
pages is a lot to look through. Maybe you could paste the relevant code
from each of the pages. Specifically, the select statements and where
$item_number comes from or is manipulated. That should help find the
problem. You might also try echoing $query on both pages to make sure
they same query actually is being executed.

- Brad

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