On Mon, 2004-01-05 at 17:13, Justin French wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm struggling to find any tutorials or 'thought starters' on how I can 
> incorporate script-level plug-ins into a PHP application.
> Another way, can I see some examples of how my application framework 
> can provide an API for modular, add-on code?
> I understand that there would definitely not be just one solution... in 
> fact, it may be the case that each solution needs to be tailored to a 
> specific problem, but I'd like some 'inspiration' to develop my own 
> code base.
> Any help / ideas / links would be great.

SquirrelMail and PhpWiki can handle plugins. I didn't see anything on
the PhpWiki site (I didn't look very hard), but I did find this on the
SM site:


You also might want to check out mach-ii. It is an application framework
that supports plugins. Currently it has only been released for Cold
Fusion, but PHP is on the way. There are some docs on the site that
might be useful. http://www.machi-ii.com/

Basically, IIRC, there are a number of predefined 'places' in the
framework that will call a plugin if that plugin is registered with the
framework. Mach-ii is event based so some of the 'places' are before and
after an event, for example.

Something I have done before, although I am not sure it would be
considered a plugin, is to allow some base classes to be extended to
provide different behavior. For example, suppose you have a Container
class that your framework uses to store data. Maybe your framework has a
MysqlContainer and in a config file you tell the framework to use that
class when instantiating a Container.

$_framework['container_type'] = 'Mysql';

If someone wants to use your framework, but doesn't want to use MySQL,
they could write a FileContainer that uses the file system to store
data. They just have to extend your Container class and override some of
the methods. Then in the config file they would do.

$_framework['container_type'] = 'File';

Just some thoughts. I would be curious to know what you come up with.

- Brad

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