"Merlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> píse v diskusním príspevku
> Hello everybody,
> I am working on translating my site into multiple languages (i18n). Each
> different language is hosted on the same server, but on a different
> subdomain.
> example:
> de.server.com - german
> en.server.com - english
> Here comes the problem. Sessions are validated through coockies on my
> site. The system checks if the coockie is valid and compares it with a
> sessionid inside the database.
> It seems to me that coockies are only valid for one domain for security
> reasons.
> Is there a way to make that coockie valid for multiple domains?

Yes, it is...

See: http://cz.php.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php

When you set parametr domain to ".server.com" - see carfully, there are two
dots :) - the cookie will be available for all subdomains...


> Thank you for any help on that.
> Regards,
> Merlin

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