Hello Børge,

Tuesday, January 13, 2004, 10:05:10 AM, you wrote:

BS> My php program uses sends send some information to a .cgi file
BS> possibly on a different site. That file uses GET to fetch the
BS> information and prints it out as it would if accessed through a
BS> browser. But instead I want my php program to intercept this and parse
BS> what the .cgi file sent out. How can I do this?

There are numerous ways to do this, but I'd probably just use
something as simple (and reliable) as fopen() using the URL with
embedded values as the parameter.

$fp = fopen("http://www.yourcgiscript.com?a=1&b=2&c=3/";, "r");

Best regards,
 Richard                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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