Please send your questions only to php-general ...

Mehdi Achour

Hello all,

    Thanks in advance.  I have a quesetion about writing to files.  I am
successfully opening a file and writing to it, but I'm having problems
inserting text.  My file currently has the following structure:


The second line in the file represents an incremented number.  And the third
line is a unix timestamp of when the incremented number was last
incremented.  I will have a script that will allow a user to decrement this
number, and revert back to the timestamp that goes along with the
decremented value.

Basically, my file will need the following structure:


Since the incremented number is at 3, there should be 3 timestamps in a
"stack" order.  Overwriting the sole number for incrementing or decrementing
is no problem.  However, inserting a new timestamp is where I get stuck.
The current timestamp is over-written rather than inserting a new one.

Here is my code:

 function hitcount($pagename)
  $buffer = '';
  $formatName = '[' . $pagename . ']';
  $fileHandle = -1;

  //Make sure the file exists
  if(file_exists("Reports/hitcount.txt") == TRUE)
   //Attempt to open the file with read AND write priveleges
   $fileHandle = fopen('Reports/hitcount.txt','r+');

   //Make sure we have a valid file pointer
    //Attempt to seek to the given page name section
    $buffer = fgets($fileHandle, 1024);
    while(!feof($fileHandle) && $buffer != $formatName . "\r\n")
     $buffer = fgets($fileHandle, 1024);

    //Make sure we are not EOF
    if(feof($fileHandle) == FALSE)

     //get the current pointer position
     $ctrPos = ftell($fileHandle);

     //read the next line which is the current hit count
     $buffer = fgets($fileHandle, 1024);
     $timeStampPos = ftell($fileHandle);

     //increment the hit count
     $buffer = $buffer + 1;

     //seek to where we know the hit count is
     fseek($fileHandle, $ctrPos);

     //overwrite the hit count
     fwrite($fileHandle, $buffer . "\r\n");

     //insert the new time stamp
     fwrite($fileHandle, time() . "\r\n");
     //We ARE EOF so we need to add the new page name here and insert the
first hit count and timestamp
     fwrite($fileHandle, $formatName . "\r\n");
     fwrite($fileHandle, "1\r\n" . time());
   echo("File Contents: <BR>***************<BR>");
    $buffer = fgets($fileHandle, 1024);
    echo($buffer . "<BR>");

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