I'm using non-cookie-based sessions for authentication on a page.  The
session is set like so, which works (these values, along with the SID, are
always retrievable):

$_SESSION['user'] = $_POST['UserName'];
$_SESSION['time'] = time();

My problem is when I get to the protected site area, in which a header
script calls session_start() at the top (first line).  Seemingly randomly,
while navigating links within this area, I get blank white pages.  If I
comment out the session_start() line, it doesn't happen.  If I spit out the
session variables in the resulting page, they are echoed, but that's it -- 
it's a blank white page otherwise.

The apache error log is silent, and the access log is normal.  No php errors
are displayed or written to the log.  Here's the real kicker -- if I refresh
the page, it loads correctly.  What is going on?

Thank you,
Matt Grimm
Web Developer
The Health TV Channel, Inc.
(a non - profit organization)
3820 Lake Otis Parkway
Anchorage, AK 99508
907.770.6200 ext. 686
907.336.6205 (fax)
Web: www.healthtvchannel.org

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