? Holy cow, this gets simpler all the time. Pretty soon, there'll be
? nothing left on my page but PHP includes and echo functions!
? Does this cut down on a website's file size? In other words, are the php
? includes effectively inactive when no one's viewing your main pages,
? leaving them empty of the included pages?

Well in a way yes, it wont cut down the transfer bandwitdth, but because you
are reusing the same files over again, this will take up less disk space on
server. But the same amount of data is transferred when a user views the
page (as you can see from view->source)

? But suppose there's a certain page where I don't want the style sheet in
? the middle - the one I named MIDDLE. Is there a way to mark it in the
? include page, then instruct the main page to either not import it or
? replace it with nothing ("")?

youd have to use a variable, so in the main page do the following

if($pagetoshow == 'withoutmiddle'){
    $includemiddle = FALSE;
    $includemiddle = TRUE; //(or false depending)

and in the include do this:

if($includemiddle == TRUE){
    echo '<link href="' . $periods . 'css/MIDDLE.css" rel="stylesheet"
type="text/css" />';

just a side point, you may be better of doing your html code with echos, as
you have a few variables in there.. eg
echo '<link href="' . $periods . 'css/a1.css" rel="stylesheet"
type="text/css" />';

if($includemiddle == TRUE){
    echo '<link href="' . $periods . 'css/MIDDLE.css" rel="stylesheet"
type="text/css" />';
echo '<link href="' . $periods . 'css/na/rockies.css" rel="stylesheet"
type="text/css" />';

and if you are echoing a variable, quotes around it arent needed

you can just use
echo $variable;
instead of
echo "$variable";


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