Hello Kacey,

Friday, January 16, 2004, 11:33:22 AM, you wrote:

KAM> What I have is an issue with posting forms with Dynamic ListBoxes.
KAM> What happens is when you fill the form out, and hit submit, it validates the
KAM> form .. if there is a required field not filled out, it comes back and gives
KAM> an error. All the textfields have all the information and the Static
KAM> ListBoxes have all the information they filled out... But if the user
KAM> selected a STATE (which is pulled dynamically) it will reset this box to the
KAM> default setting.

It will reset it when the page reloads with the error message, yes?

KAM> function build_states_tree(&$output, &$preselected) {

You already have the preselected variable in your function, so why not
just pass in whatever the user previously selected back to it again?
(i.e. over-ride whatever the initial preselected was?)

Best regards,
 Richard                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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