Try using $_POST['fname'] instead of $fname. This just means that register_globals is probably set to off in php.ini, which is the recommended setting. Take a look at the section on predefined variables in the PHP manual for more on this:


Kaushan wrote:

I am new to PHP scripting and struggling with the following problem.

I have two files, an HTML file and a PHP file.
HTML file contains a form with one text field and a submit button.
When a user pressed the submit button, it calls the php file (<form
action="test.php" ...>).
What the php file does is just echo back the text  received from html file
to the user again.
Name of the text field is 'fname'. When I used this variable in the php file
(as $fname) it does not contain the value of the text field. Query-string
appended to the url during the submission is also correct.
I checked for all syntax errors, but the codings are perfect.

Do I have to change php.ini file to fix this problem.

Could anyone can help me to solve this problem.


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