
Ok, I know I've already spoken blasphemy ... but hear me out. I have a client who wants to move her real estate site from a local ISP to a somewhat decent service. Currently her site is all in Access/ASP - since I know not of that world, I'm converting it to MySQL/PHP. The person they had before I'm told either took the database file they're currently using from a friends job, or some manual somewhere, so its not setup as well as it could be, so I've re-created the tables in MySQL to function a little better.

I've used most of the same names from the Access file, but a few things have had to be changed - its not a huge database, about 200 entries with about 40 rows each, but I'd rather not cut and paste all that in - I've tried exporting to CVS ... but its quite a jumbled mess, so the next best thing I thought would be to write a script to do the work for me.

I'm guessing its just a matter of connecting to Access, and going query by query through its database, pulling the fields I want then inserting them into MySQL and looping through the process once again.

Now, the question is - how to connect PHP to MS Access? I've done some searching on Google - most pages say "wow, good luck with that" or something similar - any thoughts? I'm sure someone has had to do this before - am I on the right track or should I be looking elsewhere?


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