Hey all,
heres something really interesting about that lovely company called
microsoft...(heard of them?)

Anyway, a 17yr old kid by the name of Mike Rowe opens up a webdesigning
company and names
it MikeRoweSoft (say it out loud..if you're really daft not to get it just
be reading it)..then registers
mikerowesoft.com...a couple of days later he gets an email from microsoft's
lawyers to hand over the
domain for 10$...he refuses and says no way, how about 10,000? a couple of
days later he gets
a legal document of around 25 pages from the lawyers!! They are going after
him extortion!!

Read the whole thing at mikerowesoft.com its pretty amusing, gives a totally
new meaning to
scumbags, sons of bitches and cheap bastards...oops, hope i dont get sued
for saying that.

Now that the whole story has gotten so much publicity, microsofts exec's say
they "could have
handled it better" and "its gotten a bit out of hand" and "they never
intended for this to blow up
so big".

I think it would be good if MicroSoft joins hands with the RIAA and search
for kids aged between
12 and 17 they can sue as the older ones might be a little harder.
(case you didnt get the above, the RIAA sued a 12 year old girl for dl'ing
music, google for that)

In closing, I hope (and am cheering) that Mike Rowe kicks Micro's ass.


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