f stock, etc.
> [Marlon Moyer]
> This isn't a situation that you would use a cached query. You
> would only use
> it when something doesn't change that often, or you have control
> of when it
> changes.

Hell, I have stuff like that - it's called generate an include file with a
cron job. Trivial. All my web pages include it. The variables are all set by
an outside process.

Re CF server & Web server. It's "on the wire" (using sockets). You're going
up & down the stacks just as if you're using a wire except for the last 2
levels (ip & above stacks are used).

And only the smallest shops would consider having a web server and CF (or
db) server on the same box. No scalability or easy recovery from failure.
Heck, I run a tiny little ISP out of my basement, and have all major
services segregated onto different machinery with 1000baseT private net
between the different boxes (db & search services, DNS resolvers, web
servers, mail server, and backup array).

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