Oops. Hit the post shortcut accidentally. Here's the post that led me to the
orion at dr-alliance dot com
08-Aug-2003 03:52
Session ID's wont be carried over through meta refreshes, so make sure you
add the variables (in GET format) to the URL.
IE )
<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\"

It turns out that the Javascript that was refreshing the top frame (and
occasionally changing it) did not preserve the invisible session ID. So when
the top frame was refreshed, it started a new session. Then, clicking on any
links from the top frame would try to change the session ID in the other
frames, and the bottom frame would again try to refresh the top frame, so it
was an endless cycle. My only thought of how it worked in the first place
was because the page got cached or something. Crazy. Thanks everyone.

- Jonathan

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