Jonno Agnew wrote:
I wondered if I can ask you two follow-up questions?

On-list, yes. Off-list, yes, at consultancy rates.

(1) On Useractive's PHP environment, if ($guessnumb) { seems to work fine, but on my PHP 4.3.4 environment it doesn't. Is there some setting I need to tweak, and if so could you walk me through a way of making the change? I know register_globals is turned OFF in my set-up but don't know how to turn it on or if that's wise. (best to code for register_globals off).

(2) Regarding your code below. I recognize these two statements as some sort of arrays. How do I actually write the equivalent code to evaluate if the variable has been passed/set, then do either this or that?

if (isset($_GET['guessnumb'])) { ... }


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