On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 09:19, Jay Blanchard wrote:
> When constructing arrays where you are meddling with fixed width
> substrings in a larger file make sure that the array item does not
> contain a tab or you will certainly get unexpected results;
> $arrBadInfo (
>       'AMARILLOHOUSE   ',
>       'KJONES  HOUSE   ', <--- 16 characters wide, or is it?
>       };
> Both above appear to be 16 characters wide in the editor of your choice
> (I am using Zend at the moment). However, if there is a tab between
> KJONES and HOUSE, the HOUSE is moved to the right the appropriate number
> of characters (or inappropriate as it were) and produce undesired
> results. I have been working on this issue since 5 am this morning when
> I finally decided to print_r() the array (consisting of 192 elements).
> Lo and behold (and slapping my forehead thusly) we saw that there were
> tabs in the result. Replacing the tabs with the proper number of spaces
> fixed the result.
> Actually this tip applies to all strings in which you expect there to be
> a fixed width. Beware the tab, especially if you are bring in the data
> from a source (cuttin' n' pastin') outside of your editor.

Event better... turn your editor's tab character to 4 spaces, then your
code never contains those despicable tab characters and you won't
accidentally insert tabs into strings :)

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