From: "Pietuka Krustins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Is there something like __autoload() of PHP5 in PHP4?
> After using PHP5 for a month, I just can't stand writing those
> includes and requires. Any ideas how to simulate an __autoload()? I am not
> afraid of a little overhead.
> For those who don't know - if PHP does not have some class defined, it
looks for
> __autoload() function defined by user and checks for class definition
> executing the function. If the class is then defined, PHP goes on parsing
> nothing had ever happened, but if the class is not found by that time PHP
> an error message.

I don't see how you could replicate it. You could probably capture the error
with some custom error handling, but how would you tell it to now go back
and try that line again?

---John Holmes...

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