On Wednesday 28 January 2004 01:35 pm, John W. Holmes wrote:
> Depends how you define "mess them up"... If you want to display  
> literally on a web page, then you need to write   in the source.
> So this may not be messing things up but rather preparing them to be shown
> on a web page, literally.
> ---John Holmes...

True, but the bottom line is 

Me personally, I rather keep it in its simplest form " "
For example, if you run   through str_replace('&', ' ', $foo) 
again, it becomes even more "messed up".   

The point Im trying to make, is to watch out using str_replace() to convert & 
to & or something else thats similar, because, one may end up with a 
situation where they have content like   on their hands.

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