Was just going to the php.net site to reference the manual (always a good
thing) when I
absent mindedly typed in "php.com" instead....which brought up a nice site,
worthy of our support,
but not really what I had in mind coz its more focussed towards children,
medical homes etc than
the programming language PHP.

Which brings up a little question, any idea of whats ZEND's (or anybody else
that matters) opinion
of using PHP in a domain name?
eg: my-lovely-php-and-apache-website.com

As you can see above, i mentioned apache too, any ideas of copyright issues
for apace,php,mysql,perl
etc etc?

The reason I ask is, because I know Sun had a problem with a lot of sites
using "java" in their domain,
and sites like javachat.com, javalovers, realjava etc were contacted by Sun
and told to change the name
but use the domain as a pointer......for now.
I could also of course reference microsoft's products, but those
************ want to get paid if
someone even mentions "windows" on TV in books etc... so we know where they

P.S If MS did get their way and "windows" got copyrighted, I bet they would
have grabbed a dictionary
and tried to copyright the whole damn thing...starting with "the" or maybe
"a" :-))
God, I really love MS bashing.

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