On Tuesday, February 3, 2004, at 12:19 PM, Justin Patrin wrote:

Sounds like you want to look into some of the PEAR projects. DB_DataObject knows about field types and can do required fields and such. DB_DataObject_FormBuilder can give you a form to edit fields which can be customized in *any* way you want it to be. It includes facilities for hiding fields as well as *many* others. I'm also working on DB_DataObject_FormBuilder_Frontend which will give you a whole frontend to choose tables and view / edit fields from any table.


They DO sound like what I want, and I've been looking at the above already, but I don't want the overhead or requirements of Pear. This will end up as a distro, and adding pear to the equation is far from desirable.

Thanks anyway!

Justin French

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