On 02/02/2004 06:18 PM, Federico Petronio wrote:
Hi all... I have a chrooted Apache/PHP on Solaris 8 working fine except for one PHP function, mail(). I read that in Unix environments there is not possible to make PHP use a remote SMTP and it needs to find a sendmail executable un the path.

Since including Postfix in the chrooted env. does not look very nice, I try to use a wapper (local_FS->remote_SMTP), but I am not happy with the one I found. It does not handle well the CC, nor the BCC so I change it a little, but still have issues (for explample if the SMTP does not responds, it don't try angain and the mail is lost).

Do you know some sendmail wrapper to recomend?

You may want to try this class for composing and sending e-mail messages.

It comes with sub-classes specialized in deliverying messages with sendmail or compatible, qmail and SMTP. If you do not want to use the class directly, it comes with wrapper functions that emulate the mail() function.


For SMTP delivery, you also need this:



Manuel Lemos

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