Hello Everyone,

I am trying to make 2 drop down boxs using data from a mysql database , the
code is attached , the problem is I  have a category and a sub category
table. The link between the two tables is the id ( ID in category table &
mid in subcat tables are the same ) . So i would like to make 2 drop down
boxes , one with the categories and the other with the the subcategories of
that specific category. I have written some code , which displays the
category just fine .. but doesnt display the subcategory :(. Kindly help me
out , My code is attached



/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Code




<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">




function ProcSel(title) {




function SetCookie (name,thevalue) {

document.cookie = name + ' = ' + thevalue + ';';



<form name="form1" method="post" action="value.php">

<p> Subject Category:



$rslt = mysql_query("SELECT id, title from vu_mcats");

echo "<SELECT NAME='title' onChange='ProcSel(this)' SIZE='1'>n";

if ($cmfg=="")



while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rslt)) {

echo "<OPTION VALUE='".$row['title']."'";

if ($cmfg == $row['title'])

echo " SELECTED>".$row['title']."";


echo ">".$row['title']."";


echo "</SELECT>";


Choose Model:</TD>


$rslt = mysql_query("SELECT mid,id,title FROM vu_cats WHERE mid='$id'");

echo "<SELECT NAME='subcat' SIZE='1'>n";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rslt)) {

echo "<OPTION VALUE='".$row['title']."'>".$row['title']." (".$row['id']."


echo "</SELECT>n";




<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">

<input type="reset" name="Submit2" value="Reset">




///////////////////End of Code//////////////////////////

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