For MySQL you're still going to need NOW() instead of CURRENT_DATE
though surely? 

On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 15:57, John W. Holmes wrote:
> From: "Brian Dunning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [PHP] How to search for a date
> A date? Well, you could try Friendster or orkut to find date, or... oh
> wait...
> > Sorry this is such a basic question - but I couldn't find it online.
> >
> > I have a date field in MySQL: 0000-00-00. I'm trying to insert or
> > search for the current date, and I can't find the way to state that in
> > the SQL. This is wrong, can someone please tell me what's correct?
> >
> >    INSERT INTO mytable (dateField) VALUE (CURRENT_DATE);
> >
> >    SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE dateField = CURRENT_DATE;
> Sucks how missing one letter will jack things up.
> INSERT INTO mytable (dateField) VALUES (CURRENT_DATE);
> Missing the S in values. That'll cause you first query to fail which will
> cause your second query to fail since there's no matching row. :)
> ---John Holmes...

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