Hello John,

> From: JohnT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 4:54 AM
> Hello,
> mind explain a little bit further cause i'm confused and not 
> sure if the
> fuction really work or something
> [some Code]

As far as I know (or understand), unset() will only destroy the reference to a 

That's why you get sometimes a bit confusing results when unset variables insinde 
functions, because they are often just a reference or even a copy of another variable.
(for example using global $a; is equal to $a =& $GLOBALS['a'])

  Chapter References Explained
   -> Unsetting References
  and Function Reference of unset()
of the php Manual.

Now I guess that a static variable is only available via reference in a function call.
Otherwise it would be unseted if the function call is finished, what's not the use of 
a static var.

How to fix this problem:
The purpose of your code was to reset the value of the static variable.
So just do this reseting by assigning the value you wanted, e.g.

///////////////   CODE   /////////////////
function foo() {
    static $a;
    echo "$a<BR>";
    $a = 0;


Now it outputs:

Dirk Oschlies

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