could someone check this?

>From the URL parsing discussions, you should be able to do these two things
with a URL like this:

1. set some page variables from the URL:

function page_init()
global $REQUEST_URI;
global $init_vars[];    //array set in config file, eg.

$path_array = explode('/', $REQUEST_URI);

while (list ($init_key,$init_value) = each($init_var[]))
    list($uri_key, $uri_value) = each($path_array[])
    $init_value = uri_value

2. create a you-are-here thingy like:
sitelevel1 >> sitelevel2 >> sitelevel3 >> name.html

function breadcrumbs()
global $init_depth; //how much of initial uri items to discard

$path_array = explode('/', $REQUEST_URI);

for ($i=0, $i <= $init_depth; $i++);
        array_shift($path_array); //discard config item - not used here

$page_name = array_pop($path_array); //strip page name from end of array
$crumbs_length  = count($page_array); //how long is path now?
$crumbs_div = " >> "; //use to divide the breadcrumbs

for ($i=0, $i <= $crumbs_length; $i++);
        list($position,  $value) = each($path_array);
        echo $value;
        echo $crumb_div;


now, anyone have any idea how to make each sitelevel item an href???


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