I'm not quite following you here. I understand that no solution is always
the correct one. Everything has exceptions...

If the page you want to redirect from has PHP, just dont' use the <meta
http-equiv=...>, set the header with PHP instead. As far as I can see that
should always be possible.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raditha Dissanayake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 10:07 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP REDIRECT
> Hi Chris and Chris and et al.
> It's not often that i disagree with the other chris but one occaision
> where meta refresh turns out to be the only solution is when working
> with some payment gateways where instead of doing a simple old post to
> your return page they include it inside their own thank you page so the
> headers will not work.
> Lame? well some of the best known gateways are doing it.
> Chris wrote:
> >Heh, I was on my way to bed and didn't think about that. (And my 'answer'
> >was a bit abrupt as well)
> >
> >Ah well, booboo's happen. I've always been an advocater of doing
> things the
> >*right way*, and in this case, the Refresh header would seem to
> be the right
> >way.
> >
> >JUST SAY NO to meta http-equiv tags! :)
> >
> >Chris (the other one)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>From: Chris Shiflett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>
> --
> Raditha Dissanayake.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> --
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