Paul Furman wrote:

OK I'm confused. I want to set a variable with a form. How do I do that? I guess I need to put it in the url? I did a mail form & that worked by putting stuff in the $POST and when it refreshed to the same mail page, I grabbed the stuff back out of that (at least that's what I thought I was doing.

Maybe I just put the new value in the url with the action property of the form and forget about the $POST part. I guess I don't know how that worked for the mail script.

I had the script below working to extract the results of $POST[thumbs]. Assuming I can get that going again, would I then redirect with header() putting the new value in the url? The problem is I want it to stick to the pictures page (not this settings page) every time I go to that page so I'd have to tack it on to any page on my site and keep checking for it everywhere to keep it. I'm guessing this is not a sensible approach. Every place I construct a url, I'd have to remember to add this.

<broken now but I can fix it again if it'll work>

<h1>Change Settings</h1>
<div class="textbox">
  if ($POST){
    if (isset ($POST['thumbs'])){
        $pics = $POST['thumbs'];
        print "settings-out:".$pics." "; #work(ed) after posting
        print "settings have been changed";
        ####### redirect here to the picture page ########
        ####### with $pics value in the url ########
        ####### header() exit() ########
} ?>

  <form name="mail" action="<?php SCREEN_DIR . "/settings.php" ?>"
          <label for="thumbs">number of thumbnails per page: </label>
          <input type="text" name="thumbs" id="thumbs" size="2"
                 value="<?php print $pics ?>">
          <button type="submit">OK</button>

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