everytime i post text to this file, i get the characters " and ' turning up
as \" and \'

is there anything i can add that would keep them from outputting into this?

here is the code i use:


if ($message)
 /* uncomment the next two lines to strip out html from input */
 $name = strip_tags($name);
 /* $message = strip_tags($message); */
 $message = ereg_replace("\r\n\r\n", "\n<P>", $message);
 $date = date("l, F j Y, h:i a");

if ($email == "") {
$message = "<hr noshade color=white size=1 width=100%>\n
<table width=100% cellpadding=10><tr><td>\n
 <font size=2 face=verdana><b>$name </b><font size=1> -- $date</font>\n
 } else {
$message = "<hr noshade color=white size=1 width=100%>\n
<table width=100% cellpadding=10><tr><td>\n
 <font size=2 face=verdana><b><a href=mailto:$email>$name</a> </b><font
size=1> -- $date</font>\n
 $fp = fopen ("comment.php.comment", "a");
 fwrite ($fp, $message);
 fclose ($fp);

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