Hey everyone.  I'm looking for assistance/suggestions/answers on how to
build a select dropdown box from data that needs to be pulled recursively
from a MySQL database.  Basically the situation is mainly for a dicussion
thread system type of thing where I have categories nested inside
categories, nested inside categories...  Anyway, I want to be able to build
a drop down box containing all the categories indented underneath it's
parent category to look something similar to this:

Top Level Category
     - Nested Category
          - Lower level
               - Etc....
Top Level Category
     - Nested Category
Top Level Category

Then the user will be able to select one from the dropdown menu.  I have all
the categories stored in a MySQL database called site_categories.  The table
is setup like this:

| Cat_ID | Cat_Parent |       Cat_Name         |
|    1       |         0         |       Top Level  1      |
|    2       |         1         |       Nested 1            |
|    3       |         0         |       Top Level   2     |
|    4       |         2         |       Nested 2            |

Sorry for the bad pictures you hopefully you get the idea.  Anything with a
0 Cat_Parent is a Top Level category.  Then the others are all nested inside
other categories that have the same Cat_ID as the nested categories
Cat_Parent.  I basically need help creating a properly indented dropdown
menu box using this structure from the database.  I assume I'm gonna have to
use some sort of recursion here, but I'm not sure how to go about this.
Please help if you can.



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