<html><style>p {margin: 0px}</style><body style='font-size:9pt; font-family:Verdana; 
font-family: Verdana' ><P>Hi List,</P><P>I have a little problem I posted a couple of 
times now. The PHP Manual gave me the idea that the clibpdf library seemed to work 
with php. Well I tried some things they didn't seem to work.</P><P>Well I thought I'd 
ask the list, maybe somebody could help me out. But what&nbsp; a thought, nobody even 
answered it is not possible, or look there. I know this is not one of these how do I 
make a select from mysql questions, but is everyone on vacation?<BR><BR>If it is not 
possible or nobody uses it anymore, which I totally understand why, then why is it 
still in the manual? I know I'm not the first to ask the questions I asked and I'm not 
the first not to receive an answer on this, but if it's not working why is it still in 
the f** manual?</P><P>I'm especially talking about the point of a picture not showing 
with ClibPDf which somebody asked 2000 (he didn't get an answer either)</P><P>This is 
getting sort of frusttrating, so I apolpgize for letting some steam out here. But I 
just can't believe there is nobody out there who has a clue.</P><P>thx 
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