Haven't had enough coffee to look through your code. But i can tell you the number 1 problem with socket reads is 'blocking' what you might want to search for is 'non blocking' or 'non blocking reads'

all the best

Dev wrote:

Hello all,

I am having a problem with getting multiple socket reads working in a simple socket server!
The writes appear to be working but the reads seam to only allow one read?

I know i am missing something. Could even be my approach is totally wrong
Currently I have:


  Brian C. Doyle
Director, Internet Services
United Merchant Processing Association
1-800-555-9665 ext 212

Raditha Dissanayake.
http://www.radinks.com/sftp/         | http://www.raditha.com/megaupload
Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with | Mega Upload - PHP file uploader
Graphical User Inteface. Just 150 KB | with progress bar.

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