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Vincent Bouret wrote:

| Hi,
| I have this strange problem. I have Apache 1.3.28 on Windows XP Home SP1
| with PHP 4.3.4 as a module:
| httpd.conf
| LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll
| AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
| AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml
| //After a list of modules
| AddModule mod_php4.c
| Let's say I have test.php that does nothing more than sleeping for 30
| seconds:
| <?php
| sleep(30);
| ?>
| <html>
| content
| </html>
| When I open up this script in IE with http://localhost/test.php and within
| the 30 seconds sleep I try to load another file with .php extension
| (regardless of whether there are some php statements or not in the
file) on
| the same localhost server with another IE window, IE or Apache hangs until
| the first script is done and then gives output of the second script.
| The thing is that when I connect to Apache manually with Telnet during the
| same 30 seconds and I request a PHP script, I get the answer immediately.
| Thanks for your help,
| Vincent

I suspect it has something to do with session handling. Check your ini
settings for a session_autostart or something.

Normal behavior for jultiple windows (or frames) and sessions, is that
they wait for each other to close (not destrow, close) the session.

See http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.session-write-close.php for
more information.

Godd luck with this one.

Erwin Kerk
Web Developer

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