Opps, I failed to mention there can be more paragraphs with legit new lines, like:

Hello, my name is Karl.
Hello, my name
is Dave.
This is some more example text.

Yes, this is yet some more.

On Feb 27, 2004, at 11:56 PM, Five wrote:

You mean something like this?

$message = ereg_replace( "\n", " ", $message);

It seems to replace all new line instances with a blank space.

"Karl Timmermann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Does anyone have some PHP code to remove incorrect carriage returns?


Sentence should be "Hi, my name is Karl and I like PHP."
but is: "Hi, my name is Karl and I like

"Hi my name is Karl and
I like PHP."

I think I saw some code before that does it, but can't find it anywhere.


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