Hello Rob,

Tuesday, March 2, 2004, 6:31:28 AM, you wrote:

RP> Let's say, with the default error handler, would it take more
RP> overhead for PHP to evaluate all the extra isset() calls and if
RP> statements required to eliminate notices or for all the checking
RP> it has to do with the notices there. If it isn't considerably more
RP> efficient to leave the notices in, then I'd lean towards the side
RP> of good practice and code out possible notice errors as I've
RP> already begun doing.

Don't think of it from a raw speed level - this of it like this: a PHP
Notice is a friendly way of PHP telling you that basically your code
isn't as good as it should be. You can choose to ignore those nuggets
of advice and hide them away in your own error handler, or you can fix
your code so they don't happen in the first place.

I, and I'm sure many others here code with E_ALL on. If you're
concerned about the potential stability of your application, you
should too.

To directly answer your question though - I see no logical reason why
PHP parsing script A that's say 50% longer than script B but contains
no errors would be slower than parsing script B just because it's
smaller in size. PHP must be using memory to keep track of those
errors and notices and bring them to your attention, it must be having
to store all of this information internally before finally deciding
what to output to the browser. If there are no errors, it won't need
to do this. It will be pretty hard to find a script lengthy enough to
give this a solid bench test, but I would honestly be amazed if B
outperformed A.

Best regards,
 Richard Davey

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