Hello Torsten,

Thursday, March 4, 2004, 1:20:18 PM, you wrote:

TL> I'm not sure, is this
TL> $val_matrix[$i][$k]= OCIResult($stmt,".$column_array.");
TL>                                       -----------------
TL> a correct replacement for
TL> $val_matrix[$i][$k]= OCIResult($stmt, 'COLUMN_NAME');
TL>                                        -------------
TL> If I use '".$column_array."' the coloring of my editor tells me that it
TL> might be wrong. Unfortunately I cannot test it right now...

It doesn't look correct to me, I would have thought it should be:

$val_matrix[$i][$k]= OCIResult($stmt, "$column_array");

I can't see why you need the fullstops (periods). The above will work
IF $column_array = COLUMN_NAME as required.

Best regards,
 Richard Davey

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