On Fri, 2004-03-05 at 21:33, Andre Cerqueira wrote:
> try echo'ing $_FILES['image_upload']['tmp_name'], and check if the path 
> exists

Gives me nothing, hmmm...

> maybe some wrong configuration on php.ini
> upload_tmp_dir ?

%more php.ini && ls -l / | grep tmp
register_globals = On
upload_tmp_dir = /tmp
file_uploads = 1 
drwxrwxrwt  29 root  wheel    1536 Mar  5 21:39 tmp

In the form if I trim off the local /PATH/to/file/ it returns successful
and created a 0 byte file where it should. Obviously not what ultimately
needs to happen but.... Am I supposed have to translate the local path
first of something?

Brian V Bonini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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