Hi, Can anyone help me the mail function.

I am using PHP 4.04, on Windows 98,with PWS.

1.What must I configure thse settings in my php.ini file to?
SMTP                    =       localhost       
sendmail_from   =       [EMAIL PROTECTED]        
2.Why does this code give me the following error?
Warning: Failed to Connect  

      $to = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
      $from = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
      $body = $MainAgentCode;
      $headers = "From: $from";
      $success = mail($to, "Inpro Web site", $body, $headers);
      if ($success)
          echo "<B><CENTER>Thank you for your input</CENTER></B>\n"; 
          echo "Error \n"; 

Thanks to anyone who can help.

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