When the $variableName is empty so is the $_POST['variableName']. When the data gets 
to the script, it's available from either method of access.


>>> Jay Blanchard<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 3/11/2004 9:37:48 AM >>>
I am running PHP / mySQL on Netware 6.5.

I have an app that takes a data from an HTML form and inserts the data
into a database.

Unpredictably, however, the variables that should contain the post data
are sometimes empty. Register Globals is set to on, and I can't access
the data either through the $_REQUEST['VARIABLENAME'] or the
$variablename format.

Hitting the refresh button a couple of times seems to get the data into
the variables, and other times it goes through on the first try.

I can't be 100% sure, but it looks like other global variables like
remote_user seem to get to the script without a problem when the post
variables don't.

Have you looked at $_POST['variablename'] ?

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