On 11 Mar 2004 Chris Shiflett wrote:

> The risk is no greater than what the original poster wants to do anyway:
> $foo = $_POST['foo'];
> Whether $foo is created by register_globals being enabled or by the
> previous code, there is no difference in risk. The data should still be
> considered tainted until it has been properly validated, and disabling
> register_globals does not excuse you from performing this step.

I totally agree -- I certainly didn't mean to suggest otherwise.

The original question was about how to get a specific set of "about 10" 
variables out of the _POST array so he wasn't always having to use 
array references.  One of the responses suggested using 
register_globals and that's what I was responding to.

It seems to me that for security one wants both things -- first, to 
move only what you need from _POST into the global symbol table, and 
second, validate it thoroughly.


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