From: "Eric Gorr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> When I visit test1.php with the url:
> http://domain&path/test1.php?name=bill&pwd=henry
> I see the output:
> user = 'bill'
> ID= 41699d4461e8fe3a71243bb3cb1c2298'
> You were remembered and are now being redirected to the home page. If
> this fails for some reason (and if you are seeing this, it probably
> has), please click here: To Home Page
> However, upon redirection to test2.php, I see:
> ''
> 31e2cab461dc525ea9a8c22e5d997db5
> The session ID appears to have changed. Any idea why?

> 'window.location=\"\";', 5000

If I go to "test1.php" at the above URL, I'm redirected to "test2.php" and
my "name" is remembered. If it's not working for you, then the session
cookie must not be getting set correctly or your browser is not accepting

You can try passing the session id in the URL.

'window.location=\""; .
session_name() . '=' . session_id() . "\"', 5000


'window.location=\""; . SID . "\"',

---John Holmes...

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