> > 3. At the time of upload, it is possible to specify a list of
> > users who can "view" and "modify" the file. Currently I am storing
> > this list as a whitespace-separated list in a mySQL TEXT column.
> >
> > Column "view" data: 3 11 1
> >
> > At the time of displaying the list, I first SELECT * the entire list
> > of files, and then use explode() in combination with a "for" loop to
> > split up the "view" field and match each element againt the current
> > user's ID. Only if a match is found will I display the filename.
> >
> > I suspect this approach is not optimal. Can anyone suggest a
> > better approach?
> Rather than a whitespace-separated list, store one ID as a "|ID|". So
> your field might look like:
> Column "view" data:  '|3||11||1|'
> That way, knowing the user's ID who is viewing docs, you can select
> <<blah blah>> WHERE view LIKE '|$thisusersidnumber|' ... no longer
> any need to step through and explode the array.
> Jason

No.. very bad.  Not good.  I suggest that you read this article on database
optimization (not to sound rude, but I honestly think you might learn
something, heck, I did when I was writing it =)):

Using what you described above with the ||, you have already broken the
first normal form.  Serious problems can develop from that implementation.
Rathers, use this format:

document_id             users_allowed
-----------             -------------
001                     1
002                     2
003                     1
003                     2
003                     3

Basically the primary key is in fact both the docid and users_allowed
columns.  This was is the proper way of displaying the above information.

Jason Lotito
Where those who can, teach;
and those who can, learn.

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